What Is DOT Blitz Week 2023?

If you are a truck operator who wants to know about the Commercial Vehicle Safety Administration International Roadcheck 2023, this article is for you. The International Roadcheck (more commonly known as DOT Blitz Week) entails major truck inspections and enforcement efforts.

In light of this, it might raise many questions in your mind. You might wonder how DOT Blitz week will impact your operations and what you can expect differently this year. To help you out, we’ll cover all the important things about DOT Blitz Week 2023 to give you a better idea about it.

History of DOT Blitz Week

DOT Blitz Week is an inspection event held by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) each year. It was first started in 1988 with the collaborative efforts of CVSA and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).

The primary purpose of holding this event was to enhance the safety of the commercial vehicles. Today, the main players involved in holding the Roadcheck 2023 are the Department of Transportation (DOT) and CVSA. Hence, it is known as DOT Blitz Week.

These inspectors will check for several violations, just like the previous year. However, there is a special focus on vehicle maintenance and safety in 2023.

What To Expect From Dot Blitz Week 2023?

We hope you now have the answer to the question of what is the DOT Blitz Week. Now, let’s take a closer look at what you can expect from this year’s DOT Blitz Week. In the CVSA Roadcheck 2023, two primary areas will be the key highlight:

  • Cargo Securement
  • Anti-lock braking system (ABS)

Cargo Securement

The most important thing in the CVSA roadcheck for the year 2023 will be cargo securement. It refers to having the load on the commercial vehicle secured properly so it doesn’t move around when in transit. Truck drivers would require some load bars, straps, and devices to secure the load. 

Even in the 2022 CVSA International Roadcheck and before that, the DOT has often encountered cargo-securement issues. Therefore, they will thoroughly analyze this area in-depth to reduce the accidents caused by poorly secured cargo. Here are some things that the DOT will be looking for this year: 

  • Make sure that spare tires don’t fall or shift from the vehicle;
  • Check that there are sufficient tie-downs for the load;
  • Look for any defective devices ;
  • Assessment of anchor points and structures for issues.

ABS Inspection Details

ABS violations are something that every driver must tend to stay away from and should keep a check on. They are important in preventing accidents, especially if you press the brakes at high speed. Therefore, every commercial motor vehicle should have a working ABS. 

For 2023, we’ll likely see an examination of every semi truck’s anti-lock braking system to ensure it works properly. Therefore, truck drivers should conduct tests and audits for their ABS to ensure they’re safely operating. Make sure to monitor the ABS dashboard light. 

The key takeaway from this year’s ABS inspection is that they’ll first check whether or not the vehicle needs an ABS. Next, there will also be a thorough check for possible signs of any ABS malfunction. Furthermore, the ABS lamp cycles should work for every vehicle requiring ABS during the diagnostic test.

Impact of DOT Blitz Week 2023

DOT Blitz Week helps the overall commercial vehicle industry to comply with federal laws and regulation. Moreover, it positively impacts the community since it helps drivers understand and comply with safety laws. 

Additionally, it can also help spot potential trucks that are not functioning properly and remove them from the road. However, fewer trucks will be on the road during the 72-hour DOT inspection. Therefore, shippers might have to pay more to secure transportation capacity.


DOT Blitz Week is an important event for the commercial vehicle industry- it allows commercial truck drivers to learn about the possible issues with their trucks. You should definitely take a professional’s help if you don’t know how to prepare for the Blitz Week.

If you are a Nova Lines driver and need help preparing for the CVSA International Roadcheck, please contact the Nova Lines Maintenance Department at 773-633-0335.


What is DOT Blitz Week?

DOT Blitz Week is a yearly inspection event organized by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) in collaboration with the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). The primary objective of DOT Blitz Week is to increase the safety of commercial vehicles by conducting thorough inspections and enforcing regulations.

When is DOT Blitz Week 2023?

The exact dates of DOT Blitz Week 2023 have not been announced yet. However, it is usually held in the first week of June each year. Keep an eye on the CVSA website or FMCSA website for the official dates.

What will be the focus of DOT Blitz Week 2023?

The focus of DOT Blitz Week 2023 will be on cargo securement and anti-lock braking systems (ABS). Inspectors will thoroughly analyze these areas to reduce the accidents caused by poorly secured cargo and malfunctioning ABS.

How can I prepare for DOT Blitz Week 2023?

To prepare for DOT Blitz Week 2023, you should conduct a thorough audit of your commercial vehicle. Make sure that your cargo is secured properly and all the tie-downs and devices are in good condition. Additionally, check your ABS to ensure it is functioning properly. If you need help preparing, contact a professional or your maintenance department.

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